Alessandro Bagioli

Cesena, 1879 - 1965

The artist, who spent his formative years at the "Accademia di Belle Arti" in Bologna, only devoted himself to painting in the early decades of the twentieth century. It was the exhibition held in the "Palazzo del Ridotto" (Cesena), during 1923, where he exhibited "Il pranzo dei poveri"(Poor people's lunch), that consacrated him the official exponent of Cesena's art-scene.

His interest in social realism brought him to create in prevalence paintings with subjects drawn from his observation of local territory in fact hills, views of the town and its in-habitants are often present in his works.

agioli was also a stage designer and commercial artist from 1910 to 1920; in fact he worked for the best operatic and dramatic companies in this capacity both in Italy and abroad.

Works present in the Gallery

Chiesa di montagna

Il pranzo dei poveri


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