Macerata, 1910 - Roma, 1990
Sculptor and painter, Monachesi, after graduatine in 1926 of the Regio Studio di Tirocinio in Macerata, occupies himself in sculpture and approaches the environment of the Roman Futurists, finding himself in agreement with the concept of plastic dynamism already expressed in Boccioni's pieces and in his writings.
1932 finds him among the founders of the Macerata group of Futurists; he takes part in their exhibitions as an aerosculptor and aeropainter. He begins collaborating in that period, as a charicaturist and correspondent, for the magazine in Milan 'Nuovo Futurismo'. Later moving to Rome, where he follows causes on stage-design at the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia.
At a certain point he signs the 'Manifesto della Plastica Murale', together with the Roman futurists, who exhalts the technological components of works of art. Monachesi's concept of futurism at this strange broaders to new plastic experiences, in which light creates an effect of continuous movement an metal. The fourties are high lighted by his participation in the most important national exhibitions. Having decided to live in Rome permanently, he detaches from the Futurists and in 1941 exhibits figurative works, whose theme is air-bombings.
His lively experimentation during his futurist phase will however characterize all his works in sculpture carried out in different materials such as terracotta and polyplastics.
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