Bartolomeo Gennari

Cento, 1594 - Bologna, 1661

Bartolomeo Gennari, son of the artist Benedetto il Vecchio (the Elder), joined the studio of Guercino as a youth, together with his brother Ercole and cousin Lorenzo, and worked there for the rest of his life, following the master in a number of his moves.

Initially a copier, towards the end of the thirties he began producing his own works, although clearly demonstrating himself to be a faithful discipline of the classical Guercino language.

The Madonna con Bambino e San Felice da Cantalice which is contained in the Municipal Art Gallery is part of his catalogue.

Work present in the Gallery

Madonna con il Bambino e San Felice da Cantalice

Madonna con il Bambino e San Felice da Cantalice

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