
Luciano Caldari (Savignano sul Rubicone, 1925) - Oil on canvas; cm 58 x 49

This painting belongs to the first years of Caldari's artistica career when he was a follower of the Abstract movement, a a current which he world have left in time to join the Neo-Realist movement.

In this painting, signed in the bottom left part, the influence of Cubusm, is evident, in the construction of the form, which are geometric.

The stroke is syntetic, inside each block of tones wich vary from greys to blacks.appartiene ai primi anni della sua carriera artistica, quando egli seguiva l'astrattismo, corrente dalla quale si sarebbe distaccato in seguito per seguire il neo-realismo.

There are no shades but the different backgrounds are well emphasised by the clear-cut outlines.


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