Vergine annunciata; San Biagio; Madonna del latte

Master from Castrocaro (First half of 15th Century) - Detached fragments of fresco; cm 87 x 62; cm 84 x 44; cm 83 x 59

Vergine annunciata San Biagio Madonna del latte

The Announced Virgin is a fragmentary painting belonging to a cycle of paintings with two others works, all attributed to the Master from Castrocaro. They come from the St.Augustine's church in Cesena.

The subject of the painting is represented by the Virgin praying in her study room and she has been defined the Announced Virgin because she represents the annunciation of Raphael the archangel.

Another painting in the cycle is the Virgin of the milk that represents the Virgin while she is holding her child in her arms and she is nursing him.

The third painting, instead, represents the bishop St. Blaise in the act of his martyrdom; his gaze is turned towards the sky, a technique much used in that period. The colours are dark and shadowy and the state of conservation is greatly compromised

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