Antonio Aleotti

Argenta, doc. from 1494 - Cesena, 1527

The first document (around 1494) that concerns the artist, born and educated artistically in the Ferrara area, ties his name to the town of Cesena. A stay in Ferrara, follows that period, during which Aleotti is influenced by the art of Ercole dé Roberti and Francesco del Cossa; from 1503 onwards the painter resides once more in Cesena, where he remains until his death, orientating towards the style of the Zaganellis and Marco Palmezzano.

Although rather an anachronistic artist, in Santi Sebastiano, Rocco e Cristoforo and Madonna in trono con il Bambino, Sant'Antonio abate e l'arcangelo Michele, his works on exhibition in the gallery, one can see the various cultural influences with which he came into contact.

Works present in the Gallery

Madonna in trono col Bambino, Sant'Antonio Abate e l'Arcangelo Michele

Madonna in trono con il Bambino, Sant'Antonio Abate e l'Arcangelo Michele

San CristoforoSan SebastianoSan Rocco

San Cristoforo, San Sebastiano e San Rocco

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