Enea Peroni

Cesena, 1810 c. - doc. to 1844

There are no particular details regarding this artist who, according to local sources studied in Rome at the Accademia di San Luca, pupil to Tommaso Minardi. Only a few early works are known and all belong to the Municipal Art Gallery. Most of them are the copies of famous originals: for example the Madonna di Foligno by Raffaello (1833), Romolo e Remo by Rubens and the Nozze di Cana by Veronese.

His major work, carried out in 1839 and exhibited in the Gallery, the Entrata di Pio VII a Cesena, depicts a popular narrative stamp, bright and lively.

Work present in the Gallery

L'entrata di Pio VII a Cesena

L'entrata di Pio VII a Cesena

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