Arcangelo Gabriele; Vergine Annunciata

Giovan Battista Salvi, known as Sassoferrato (Sassoferrato, 1609 - Roma, 1685) - Oil on canvas; cm 44 x 34,5; cm 44 x 33

Arcangelo Gabriele Vergine Annunciata

The two paintings, that nowadays are associated together to represent the byblic episode of the Annunciation, were created to be separate from one another and this is clearly demonstrated by the different state of conservation.

They both come from the Basilica del Monte in Cesena, and they were donated in 1686 by Padre Modesto Vendemini and that is exactly what the inscription under the portrait says EST BEATIS.ME VIRG.NIS MARIE EX DONO, RMI.P.D Modesti a Cesena 1686.

The first table depicts the Archangel Gabriel, in profile with one hand on his chest in sign of devotion and a lilly in the other hand: iconographic characteristic of the saint.

The second painting, instead, represents the Virgin while she is praying with joined hands, also in this painting the her gaze is directed downward, in humility, towards a not clearly defined point.

The style of Sassoferrato appears through sharp features, warm colours and measured movements.

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