Funerali di Ettore

Vincenzo Baldacci (Cesena, known from 1802 to 1813) - Oil on canvas; cm 58 x 95

Funerali di Ettore

The canvas was painted by Baldacci in the early years of 19th century and had clear references to Giani and Cammuccini's styles like the other canvas that hangs in the Art Gallery of Cesena Filottete dying.

The painting represents a chaotic scene and only a few characters in the middle of the scene are recognisable: Hector, lies on a white sheet, his wife Andromaca is bent over his slain body, trying to cover his nakedness and his father, Priam, sits in the upper part of the chariot his eyes cast downward on the body of his dead son; his face slightly obscured by a blue cloak.

The scene probably takes place in the Acropolis in Troy in fact we see a temple in the background. The rest of the scene is occupied by people who are all watching Hector.

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