Anselmo Gianfanti

Montiano, 1857 - Cesena, 1903

The artist studied at the Academy of Art in Florence where he met Domenico Morelli, the major exponent of Neapolitan art at the end of the nineteenth century and with whom he decided to move to Naples in 1880,together with his close friend Vittorio Corcos, the painter from Leghozn. He learnt the naturalist style from the master, his characterised by the greater importance given to colour, compared to academic design, as can be seen in his youthful works above all.

He returned to Cesena off and on and used to go to see, his artist friends Paolo Grilli ( painter and sculptor) and Tullio Golfarelli (sculptor) who worked in Palazzo Locatelli.

The themes that appealed most to Gianfanti were popular subjects, historic, religious and literary rendered with often the theatrical and dramatic effects of Morellian derivation.

He returned to Cesena definitively in the early nineties and became one of the most well- known artists locally, carrying our commissioned portraits and figures painted both in oil and in pastels.

Works present in the Gallery

Contadino in riposo (rear) / Natura morta con frutta (front)

Piccola veduta napoletana

Ritratto di donna

Testa di bimba

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